


Co Authors: Marcin Kacperczyk

The Journal of Finance, forthcoming

Do illegal insiders internalize legal risk? We address this question with hand-collected data from 530 SEC investigations. Using two plausibly exogenous shocks to expected penalties, we show that insiders trade less aggressively and earlier and concentrate on tips of greater value when facing higher risk. The results match the predictions of a model where an insider internalizes the impact of trades on prices and the likelihood of prosecution and anticipates penalties in proportion to trade profits. Our findings lend support to the effectiveness of U.S. regulations’ deterrence and the long-standing hypothesis that insider trading enforcement can hamper price informativeness.

Selected presentations:AFA, SFS Cavalcade, NBER Summer Institute, EFA

BIBTEX: @unpublished{KacperczykPagnotta2023, author = {Kacperczyk Marcin AND Emiliano Pagnotta}, note = {forthcoming at The Journal of Finance}, title = {Legal Risk and Insider Trading}, year = {2023}}


Co Authors: Albert Menkveld et al.

The Journal of Finance, forthcoming

In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data- generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncer- tainty in sample estimates of population parameters. In sci- ence, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence- generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: non-standard errors. To study them, we let 164 teams test six hypotheses on the same sam- ple. We find that non-standard errors are sizeable, on par with standard errors. Their size (i) co-varies only weakly with team merits, reproducibility, or peer rating, (ii) declines significantly after peer-feedback, and (iii) is underestimated by participants.



The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 35, 2022

We address the determination of bitcoin prices and decentralized security. Users forecast the transactional and resale value of holdings, pricing the risk of malicious systemic attacks. Miners contribute resources to protect against attackers, competing for block rewards. Bitcoin’s design leads to multiple equilibria: the same technology and fundamentals are consistent with sharply different price and security levels. Bitcoin’s monetary policy can lead to welfare losses and deviations from quantity theory. Price–security feedback amplifies fundamental shocks’ volatility impact and leads to boom–busts not driven by fundamentals. We show how Bitcoin’s viability versus fiat currency depends on relative acceptability and inflation protection.

Selected presentations:AEA, WFA, FIRS, EFA

Highlight: Winner of the Best Cryptoeconomics Paper Award at the 2nd Toronto Fintech Conference

BIBTEX: @article{10.1093/rfs/hhaa149, author = {Pagnotta, Emiliano S}, title = "{Decentralizing Money: Bitcoin Prices and Blockchain Security}", journal = {The Review of Financial Studies}, volume = {35}, number = {2}, pages = {866-907}, year = {2021}, month = {01}, abstract = "{We address the determination of bitcoin prices and decentralized security. Users forecast the transactional and resale values of holdings, pricing the risk of systemic attacks. Miners contribute resources to protect against attackers and compete for block rewards. Bitcoin’s design leads to multiple equilibria: the same blockchain technology is consistent with sharply different price and security levels. Bitcoin’s monetary policy can lead to welfare losses and deviations from quantity theory. Price-security feedback amplifies fundamental shocks’ volatility impact and leads to boom and busts unconnected to fundamentals. We characterize how viability versus fiat currency depends on bitcoin’s relative acceptability and inflation protection.}", issn = {0893-9454}, doi = {10.1093/rfs/hhaa149}, url = {}, eprint = {}, }


Co Authors: Marcin Kacperczyk

The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 32, December 2019.

Using over 5000 equity and option trades unequivocally based on nonpublic information about firm fundamentals, we find that commonly used asymmetric information proxies (AIPs) display abnormal values on days with informed trading. Volatility and trading volume are abnormally high, whereas illiquidity is low, both in equity and option markets. Daily returns reflect the sign of private signals but, on average, bid–ask spreads are 10% and 20% lower when informed investors are present in stock and option markets. Market makers’ learning under event uncertainty and the use of limit orders by informed investors help explain these findings. We characterize cross-sectional responses based on the duration of private information and find that informed traders select days with high uninformed volume to trade. Evidence from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Whistleblower Reward Program and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) involvement address potential selection concerns.

Selected presentations:WFA, NBER LTAM, NBER Asset Pricing SI, FIRS, SED

BIBTEX: @article{10.1093/rfs/hhz029, author = {Kacperczyk, Marcin and Pagnotta, Emiliano S}, title = "{Chasing Private Information}", journal = {The Review of Financial Studies}, volume = {32}, number = {12}, pages = {4997-5047}, year = {2019}, month = {03}, abstract = "{Using over 5,000 trades unequivocally based on nonpublic information about firm fundamentals, we find that asymmetric information proxies display abnormal values on days with informed trading. Volatility and volume are abnormally high, whereas illiquidity is low, in equity and option markets. Daily returns reflect the sign of private signals, but bid-ask spreads are lower when informed investors trade. Market makers’ learning under event uncertainty and limit orders help explain these findings. The cross-section of information duration indicates that traders select days with high uninformed volume. Evidence from the U.S. SEC Whistleblower Reward Program and the FINRA involvement addresses selection concerns.Received January 11, 2017; editorial decision December 17, 2018 by Editor Andrew Karolyi. Authors have furnished an Internet Appendix, which is available on the Oxford University Press Web site next to the link to the final published paper online.}", issn = {0893-9454}, doi = {10.1093/rfs/hhz029}, url = {}, eprint = {}, }


Co Authors: Thomas Philippon

Econometrica, Vol 86, No 3, May 2018.

We analyze trading speed and fragmentation in asset markets. In our model, trading venues make technological investments and compete for investors who choose where and how much to trade. Faster venues charge higher fees and attract speed-sensitive investors. Competition among venues increases investor participation, trading volume, and allocative efficiency, but entry and fragmentation can be excessive, and speeds are generically inefficient. Regulations that protect transaction prices (e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission trade-through rule) lead to greater fragmentation. Our model sheds light on the experience of European and U.S. markets since the implementation of Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation National Markets System.

Selected presentations:AEA, WFA, SED, Cowles Foundation, FTG

Highlight: Project awarded with a grant from the Smith Richardson Foundation.

BIBTEX: @article{,author = {Pagnotta, Emiliano S. and Philippon, Thomas},title = {Competing on Speed},journal = {Econometrica},volume = {86},number = {3},pages = {1067-1115},keywords = {Trading speed, exchanges, liquidity, fragmentation, segmentation, vertical differentiation, search, high-frequency trading, regulation, trade-through rule, investor participation, entry},doi = {},url = {},eprint = {},abstract = {We analyze trading speed and fragmentation in asset markets. In our model, trading venues make technological investments and compete for investors who choose where and how much to trade. Faster venues charge higher fees and attract speed-sensitive investors. Competition among venues increases investor participation, trading volume, and allocative efficiency, but entry and fragmentation can be excessive, and speeds are generically inefficient. Regulations that protect transaction prices (e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission trade-through rule) lead to greater fragmentation. Our model sheds light on the experience of European and U.S. markets since the implementation of Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation National Markets System.},year = {2018}}



Co Authors: Andrea Buraschi

We address the valuation of bitcoins and other blockchain tokens in a new type of production economy: a decentralized financial network (DN). An identifying property of these assets is that contributors to the network trust (miners) are compensated in units of the same asset that are used by consumers of network applications, which we call unity. As a result, the overall production (hashrate) that affect network trust and the bitcoin price are jointly determined. We characterize the demand for bitcoins and the supply of resources that secure the network and show that the valuation of bitcoins can be obtained by solving a fixed-point problem and study its determinants. We show that the unity property induces “price-hashrate spirals” that amplify the price impact of demand and supply shocks vis-à-vis traditional assets.

Selected presentations:AFA, NBER Asset Pricing Summer Institute, Finance Theory Group

Highlight: #1 SSRN paper April 2018.

BIBTEX: @unpublished{Pagnotta2018, author = {Pagnotta Emiliano AND Andrea Buraschi}, note = {Working Paper}, title = {An Equilibrium Valuation of Bitcoin and Decentralized Network Assets}, year = {2018}}


This paper studies an asset market where, as in major world exchanges, informed and liquidity investors continuously control the timing of orders and whether to take or provide liquidity. In equilibrium, investors demand and supply liquidity simultaneously, following distinctive time-varying patterns previously found in experiments. The resulting linkages between prices, order frequency and depths shed light on empirical regularities. By nesting limit-order and dealer markets, I find that the speed of information transmission is higher in the former and increases with investor sophistication. Evidence from proprietary NYSE data provides support for the implied liquidity provision behavior of investors.

BIBTEX: @unpublished{Pagnotta2013, author = {Pagnotta Emiliano}, note = {Working Paper}, title = {INFORMATION AND LIQUIDITY TRADING AT OPTIMAL FREQUENCIES}, year = {2013}}


We study the consequences of trading fragmentation and speed on liquidity and asset prices. Trading venues invest in speed-enhancing technologies and price trading services to attract investors. Investors trade due to preference shocks. We show how the resulting market organization affects asset liquidity and the composition of par- ticipating investors. In a consolidated market, speed investments raise liquidity and prices. When markets fragment, liquidity and asset prices can move in opposite directions. We also show how mechanisms that protect execution prices, such as the SEC’s trade-through rule, can decrease price levels and trading volume relative to unregulated markets. Our results suggest that recent regulatory reforms in secondary markets may have unintended negative consequences for public corporations.

Selected presentations:RED Fragmentation Conference, AFA, WFA, SFS Cavalcade



Co Authors: Albert Menkveld | Marius Zoican

R&R requested by The Journal of Financial Economics.

We investigate the effects of introducing a central clearing counterparty (CCP) on price volatility by adopting as an experimental construct the 2009 clearing reform in three Nordic markets. A key feature of this event is that the transition from bilateral to central clearing was mandatory for all market participants. We find that, relative to similar European stocks, price volatility in these Nordic equities experience an economically significant decline of 8.8% relative to pre-reform levels. The decrease in volatility is more pronounced for stocks with higher margin cost impact, consistent with the predictions of recent dynamic asset pricing models. We also find that the reform induces a sharp decline of 11% in trade volume, but no deterioration of market quality as captured by measures of trading costs and price informativeness. Overall, our results highlight that the adoption of central clearing enhances price stability. Our results also suggest that there is an important coordination role for policy as, when given the option, investors failed to voluntarily clear trades in the CCP.

BIBTEX: @unpublished{Menkveld2016, author = {Menkveld Albert AND Emiliano Pagnotta AND Marius Zoican}, note = {Working Paper}, title = {DOES CENTRAL CLEARING AFFECT PRICE STABILITY? EVIDENCE FROM NORDIC EQUITY MARKETS}, year = {2016}}

Non Peer Reviewed

Dilemas de la Politica Comercial Externa Argentina

Co Authors: Roberto Bouzas

Published at: 2003, Siglo XXI

Speed Competition and Fragmentation in Financial Markets

Published at: (Fall 2012), Center for the Study of Financial Regulation, University of Notre Dame.